Accord Data Technologies ,LLC provides Tax Certification service either through online research or through a call center to contact the treasurer's / collector's offices. We maintain a complete up-to-date database of contact information for treasurers, collectors and various other taxing authorities.We provide Tax assessment, payment and delinquency status and a good through date as part of certification process.
We will be able to customize our tax reports as per your requirement. Turn times vary from 8-24 hours (for online searches), and 24 to 72 hours for searches where information is obtained by calling the counties.
Property Tax Search
report of all loans received: We monitor the amount of real property
tax on all your loans. We also monitor if the taxes are being paid on
• Conveying your tax information accurately and on time online order tracking.
Loan Delinquency reports: We provide the list of all properties we
search, with taxing authority information, tax identification number and
the amount of past-due
taxes, fully indexed to each delinquent loan.
• Reminder notices to delinquent borrowers.
• Tax payment / verification reports.
• Risk Management Reporting, including a Severity Report to track items eligible for tax sale.
have property tax software solution designed to automate property tax
valuation, rendition compliance, payment processing and management
reporting for corporate real property tax departments.
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